Workshops at EMNLP 2020
EMNLP offers 25 workshops to suit a wide range of interests. All workshops listed are one day in duration unless otherwise indicated.
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[WITHDRAWN] Workshop on NLP for Positive Impact
Our workshop aims to promote NLP research that will positively impact society, through proactive and responsible methods. [This workshop has been cancelled]
November 19, 2020
Fifth Conference on Machine Translation (WMT20)
Workshop on Insights from Negative Results in NLP
Let's take a break from chasing leaderboards! Your negative results might save others time, or poke holes in things we take for granted.
Search-Oriented Conversational AI (SCAI)
This workshop aims to bring together researchers from the NLP, Machine Learning, and IR communities to lay the ground for search-oriented conversational AI and establish future directions and collaborations.
Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics (CMCL)
The CMCL workshop provides a venue for computational research on cognitive theories of language processing, representation and acquisition.
Interactive and Executable Semantic Parsing (Int-Ex)
Map natural language to meaning representations executed in databases, knowledge graphs, robotic environment and software applications.
CoNLL 2020
First Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing (SDP 2020)
SDP is a full day workshop that provides an interdisciplinary venue for researchers interested in any aspect of mining scientific literature. SDP includes a research track and three shared tasks: 6th CL-SciSumm, 1st LongSumm, 1st LaySumm.
Second Workshop for NLP Open Source Software (NLP-OSS)
Democratizing NLP: Sharing engineering advances and best practices for open sourcing software in NLP
Spatial Language Understanding
Spatial Language Understanding, Learning/Reasoning on Spatial Semantics, (sub)Symbolic Representations and Grounding Language in Perception
SIGTYP 2020: The Second Workshop on Computational Research in Linguistic Typology
Bringing together researchers interested in applying computational techniques to problems in linguistic typology and multilingual NLP.
3rd Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop (Clinical NLP 2020)
Explore challenges and promises of clinical text: understand a patient's story, predict health outcomes, advance medical research, and more.
Deep Learning Inside Out (DeeLIO): The First Workshop on Knowledge Extraction and Integration for Deep Learning Architectures
Deep Learning Inside Out: Knowledge Extraction and Integration for Deep Learning Architectures with special focus on low-data regimes
6th Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2020)
Social media, crowdsourcing, medical texts, language learner essays, and more! 2 keynotes, 130 PC members, talks and 1-min madness for posters
November 20, 2020
SustaiNLP: Workshop on Simple and Efficient Natural Language Processing
Promoting computationally efficient NLP and justified model complexity. Encouraging conceptual NLP novelty, discouraging "more compute".
1st Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse
The Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse (CODI) covers all aspects of discourse and its computational modeling.
The Fourth Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms (WOAH), previously ‘Abusive Language Workshop' (ALW)
The workshop focuses on online abuse through a multi-disciplinary lens, drawing on social sciences, law, media studies, and more.
NLP and Computational Social Science (NLP+CSS)
This workshop focuses on NLP for Social Sciences, interdisciplinary work in CSS, and integrating CSS with current trends in NLP.
LOUHI 2020 - 11th International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis
an interdisciplinary forum for researchers interested in automated processing of health documents
Evaluation and Comparison of NLP Systems (Eval4NLP)
The workshop focuses on designing evaluation metrics, reporting trustworthy results and creating adequate and correct evaluation data.
4th Workshop on Structured Prediction for NLP
Structured prediction with continuous representations, task-level supervision and latent linguistic structure.
NLP Beyond Text
Can you really know if someone is sarcastic by only reading his texts? If the answer is no, the NLPBT workshop is what you're looking for.
PrivateNLP 2020: The Second Workshop on Privacy in NLP
PrivateNLP focuses on Privacy Preserving systems: differential privacy, anonymized datasets and models, GDPR compliance, and shared tasks!
BlackboxNLP 2020: Analyzing and interpreting neural networks for NLP
Open the black-box of neural networks in NLP and make sense of the big pile of goo inside it
NLP for COVID-19 Workshop (Part 2)
Analysing and understanding text and speech data to combat the COVID-19 Pandemic.